Who’s Mike & Mindy?

Together since high school, Mike and Mindy found love and shared a dream of becoming huge singing sensations. BUT… With BIG dreams come BIG responsibilities. Therefore, to keep their dreams from being “flushed down the drain forever,” a plumber and a hairdresser they became.

Flash forward 10 years, Mike and Mindy continue working at their day jobs, while tirelessly booking gigs and auditions. They even hold “Wild Weekend Jams” at their place in Brooklyn, for all of their wacky family and friends to sing, dance, and have a good time. (“Ya know, from far away places like Staten Island and New Jersey.”)

While trying to pursue their passion, who better than Mindy’s parents Roz and Don to “rain on their parade.” While Roz keeps reminding Mindy that her time to start a family (and start creating lullabies of her own) is running thinner than a split end, Don keeps breathing down Mike’s back to take over the family plumbing business. Both parents think it’s time the kids stop producing music and start producing grandchildren.

Mike discovers that a hot-shot music producer may show up to the ‘jam’ to hear the duo sing. Believing this could change their lives forever, Don believes it’s just another so called “Pipe Dream Opportunity.” Don’s “Dream Killer” mentality causes a blowout between the two men. Angry and upset, Mike storms out of the party leaving his cell phone behind.

Will Mike and Don find resolution? Will Mindy’s biological clock stop ticking? Will that hot-shot music producer show up to make their dreams a reality?

Stay tuned…


What’s Their Journey?

Before Mike & Mindy’s Wild Weekend Jam, writer Mark Corallo developed a jukebox musical based off of real “New York” characters entitled, Mike & Mindy’s Crazy Karaoke Party. During its inception, Mark wanted to develop a musical comedy that would bring people together from all generations.

In order to see if the show had legs, he turned to his long-time friend Eileen Nelson to join him on this journey. Eileen read the script and said… “This is amazing…Go for it!” Together, they entered the jukebox musical into New York’s Winter Festival in the Spring of 2018. Under Eileen’s direction, the show was nominated for BEST MUSICAL and BEST DIRECTOR.

After 5 SOLD-OUT performances and positive reviews, Eileen and Mark were determined to take the show to the next level. The duo, however, faced challenges as attempts to gain licensing for commercial music were nearly impossible. They had to make a decision… Jukebox Musical or Original Music?

As fate would have it, they met brilliant singer/songwriters, Bucky Heard and Timothy D. Lee, who created an original musical soundtrack for the show without compromising the storyline. Hence,  Mike & Mindy’s Wild Weekend Jam was born in 2019. The music is the heartbeat of the show and reflects the story and message perfectly through every song. Bill Medley of The Righteous Brothers said, “I believe this music will provide healing, inspiration, and a much-needed escape during these crazy times.” We are ready to share this story with audiences near and far with the hope of bringing people together and awakening the dreams we all have deep within our souls.
